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USPEE E-Learning
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology
Course categories
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul III
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul IV
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Examen de licență
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul III
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul IV
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul V
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Examen de licență
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul I / Drept Penal
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul I / Drept Public
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul I / Dreptul în Afaceri
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul II / Drept Penal
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul II / Dreptul Public
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul II / Dreptul în Afaceri
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Doctorat
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Doctorat / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența la Zi
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul III
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența Redusă
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul III
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul IV
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Masterat
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Masterat / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Masterat / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Doctorat
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Asistență socială
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul I zi | Anul I-II FR
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul I zi | Anul I-II FR / Contabilitate / Business și administrare
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul I zi | Anul I-II FR / Ecologie
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul II zi | Anul II-III FR
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul II zi | Anul II-III FR / Contabilitate / Business și administrare
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul II zi | Anul II-III FR / Ecologie
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul III zi | Anul III-IV FR
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul III zi | Anul III-IV FR / Contabilitate / Business și administrare
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul III zi | Anul III-IV FR / Ecologie
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul I
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul I / Pr. Business și administrare
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul I / Pr. Contabilitate și audit
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul I / Pr. Managementul resurselor umane
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul II
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul II / Pr. Business și administrare
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul II / Pr. Contabilitate și audit
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul II / Pr. Managementul resurselor umane
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Doctorat
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul I
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul I / Informatică aplicată/Managementul informației
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul II
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul II / Informatică aplicată/Managementul informației
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul III
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul III / Informatică aplicată/Managementul informației
Courses in the English Language
Courses in the English Language / Relații Internaționale
Courses in the English Language / Relații Internaționale / Anul I
Courses in the English Language / Relații Internaționale / Anul II
Courses in the English Language / Relații Internaționale / Anul III
Courses in the English Language / Business și Administrate || Business and Administration
Courses in the English Language / Business și Administrate || Business and Administration / Anul I
Courses in the English Language / Business și Administrate || Business and Administration / Anul II
Courses in the English Language / Business și Administrate || Business and Administration / Anul III
Courses in the English Language / Marketing și Logistica || Marketing and Logistics
Courses in the English Language / Marketing și Logistica || Marketing and Logistics / Anul I
Courses in the English Language / Marketing și Logistica || Marketing and Logistics / Anul II
Courses in the English Language / Marketing și Logistica || Marketing and Logistics / Anul III
Courses in the English Language / Psigologie || Psychology
Courses in the English Language / Psigologie || Psychology / Anul I
Courses in the English Language / Psigologie || Psychology / Anul II
Courses in the English Language / Psigologie || Psychology / Anul III
Lifelong learning
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