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USPEE E-Learning
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership
Anul I
Informatică aplicată/Managementul informației
Informatică aplicată/Managementul informației
Course categories
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul III
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul IV
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Examen de licență
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul III
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul IV
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul V
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Examen de licență
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul I / Drept Penal
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul I / Drept Public
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul I / Dreptul în Afaceri
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul II / Drept Penal
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul II / Dreptul Public
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Masterat / Anul II / Dreptul în Afaceri
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Doctorat
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Doctorat / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența la Zi
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența la Zi / Anul III
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența Redusă
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul III
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Licența / Frecvența Redusă / Anul IV
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Masterat
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Masterat / Anul I
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Masterat / Anul II
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Relații Internaționale / Doctorat
Faculty of Law, International Relations and Socio-Human Sciences / Asistență socială
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul I zi | Anul I-II FR
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul I zi | Anul I-II FR / Contabilitate / Business și administrare
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul I zi | Anul I-II FR / Ecologie
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul II zi | Anul II-III FR
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul II zi | Anul II-III FR / Contabilitate / Business și administrare
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul II zi | Anul II-III FR / Ecologie
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul III zi | Anul III-IV FR
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul III zi | Anul III-IV FR / Contabilitate / Business și administrare
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Licența / Frecvență la Zi | Frecvență redusă / Anul III zi | Anul III-IV FR / Ecologie
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul I
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul I / Pr. Business și administrare
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul I / Pr. Contabilitate și audit
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul I / Pr. Managementul resurselor umane
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul II
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul II / Pr. Business și administrare
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul II / Pr. Contabilitate și audit
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Masterat / Anul II / Pr. Managementul resurselor umane
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Ecology / Doctorat
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul I
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul I / Informatică aplicată/Managementul informației
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul II
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul II / Informatică aplicată/Managementul informației
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul III
Faculty of IT and Innovation Leadership / Anul III / Informatică aplicată/Managementul informației
Courses in the English Language
Courses in the English Language / Relații Internaționale
Courses in the English Language / Relații Internaționale / Anul I
Courses in the English Language / Relații Internaționale / Anul II
Courses in the English Language / Relații Internaționale / Anul III
Courses in the English Language / Business și Administrate || Business and Administration
Courses in the English Language / Business și Administrate || Business and Administration / Anul I
Courses in the English Language / Business și Administrate || Business and Administration / Anul II
Courses in the English Language / Business și Administrate || Business and Administration / Anul III
Courses in the English Language / Marketing și Logistica || Marketing and Logistics
Courses in the English Language / Marketing și Logistica || Marketing and Logistics / Anul I
Courses in the English Language / Marketing și Logistica || Marketing and Logistics / Anul II
Courses in the English Language / Marketing și Logistica || Marketing and Logistics / Anul III
Courses in the English Language / Psigologie || Psychology
Courses in the English Language / Psigologie || Psychology / Anul I
Courses in the English Language / Psigologie || Psychology / Anul II
Courses in the English Language / Psigologie || Psychology / Anul III
Lifelong learning
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Baze de date
Utilizarea tehnologiilor informaționale în domeniul economiei
Calcul integral
Tehnici de programare
Bazele geometrice ale graficii pe calculator
Educația fizică
Limba străină pentru comunicare
Introducere în studiul dreptului
Fundamentele programării
Arhitectura calculatoarelor și limbajul de asamblare
Fundamentele logico-algebrice ale informaticii